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Thursday, 14 January 2021

Fortnite Worst Player One Shot 2nd Place So Close To A Win

Yesterday Oliver aka #trickshotmaster2022 introduced my alter ego #fixed1t_fixer to ONE SHOT another crazy variant in Fortnite which was full of incredibly skilled 'Sweaty' players who can No Scope snipe somebody whilst flying through the air and bouncing around. I didn't do at all well, so I decided I'd have another go in the early hours. The first few games I obtained 16th, 9th and an 8th all of which was pretty good as you start of against 100 skilled players (I know they are killed because the unskilled players who don't like being slaughtered avoid such things). The last game before I went to my bed in the wee hours I got a stunning 2nd place against a flying sniping sweaty DEKU_0023 As usual my slow painful old arthritic fingers weren't quick enough and my reactions quick enough to pull off the win. This was made worse by the fact I was stupid enough to alert DEKU_0023 to my presence rather than doing my usual of waiting for the shot. But if only there were disability options that allowed me to build with the few remaining working fingers I'm left with. Malcolm aka  @FIXED1T  aka Fortnite #fixed1t_fixer #FortniteONESHOT #fixed1tFORTNITEvideos

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