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Saturday, 31 October 2020

SPHERO Battery Replacement Opened With No Sawing Or Cutting Part 1

The SPHERO Bluetooth controlled balls are great but the batteries are inside its hard polycarbonate shell and once dead! so is SPHERO with no replacement option. I bought this SPHERO EDU SPRK+ as a present, I like to buy very expensive items when they stop working so they are cheap ;-) yes my friend calls me Scrooge, but why spend $30 dollars on a new item that kids will use half a dozen times do to is low functionality when you can spend $30 on a top of the range item that cost hundreds of dollars but needs a bit of tender loving care. I've watched a number of battery changing videos on SPHERO and in all of them I fell about laughing watching people completely wreck the ball with hacksaws, bandsaws, lasers, heated knives and wire to get access to the batteries. Then after changing the batteries they put the Sphero in a cheap thin plastic ball which will crack and break at the first drop. So as usual I decided to devise my own method to show they can be opened and worked on without totally destroying the shell. Part 1: Now Its My Turn, can I fixed1t? #fixed1tMONEYSAVINGtips Malcolm aka  @FIXED1T 

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