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Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Jessie The Spaniel Meets Tex, A Teksta Robot Dog

Jessie the Cocker Spaniel meets Tex, a Teksta Robot Dog unexpectedly in her kitchen

You can BUY a Teksta or other Robot Dog from eBay

Or a new Teksta from Amazon UK

If you like this, please share it and +1 it.

Thanks for all the support in watching my videos and adding to my blogs.

All the best for the New Year


Friday, 19 December 2014

How To Fit A GoKart Electric Golf Trolley Hedgehog Winter Side Wheels

Fitting the GoKart Golf Trolley side wheels can be an extremely painful process if done incorrectly and Debbie and I found out to our cost, here's how to do it safely.

Click Here - To Buy Go Kart GoKart Hedgehog Wheels


How To Fit A GoKart Electric Golf Trolley Hedgehog Winter Front Wheel

Part 1 : GoKart Hedgehog Front Wheel Fitting.  Time to get out the hedgehogs out of summer hibernation and strap them to your golf trolley for extra grip.

Click Here - To Buy Go Kart GoKart Hedgehog Wheels


Converting A 12v 3A PSU To Work With imaX B6 Charger

This imaX B6 charger was really cheap on eBay but came without the power supply unit, so I converted one.

The charger is available from Amazon UK

With the separate power adapter.

Or available on eBay:

If you find the video helpful please 1+ and share it.


Tuesday, 25 November 2014

High Speed RADO Watch Winding Using LOCA Glue Clutch

Ceramic Watches are nice but slippery and fiddly to wind if the date gets out of sync, here a great tip

Hope you like the video, if so please share it.


Friday, 14 November 2014

Reset And Program A Nespresso Krups Coffee Machine

I buggered up a friends Nespresso Coffee machine holding the buttons too long, here is how to reset the machine then programme it for your favourite Mug of Coffee.

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Dave The Funky Monkey - Halloween Trick Or Treat

Halloween Monkey Business. He's tired from throwing chocolates at the trick or treaters

The Monkey is available on:

Amazon UK:

Amazon USA:

Sunday, 5 October 2014

How I Remove Unwanted Super Glue (Superglue) From Surfaces

This video is about how I remove Unwanted Superglue (superglue) from surfaces that have become contaminated, covered, splashed or split when doing a super glue repair job.

For Glass Surfaces I use this safety blade, these blades come individually wrapped and have only one sharp edge.

The Single Edge Metal Blades Are Available On eBay

For plastic to potentially scratch able surfaces the I use this plastic blade, these can be purchased with a holder or use on their own.  These are really useful to have around for a variety of jobs.

The Plastic Razor Blades Are Available On eBay

If you find this useful please share it.

Thanks fixed1t

Saturday, 27 September 2014

How To Neutralise Superglue White Residue On Jewellery

People regularly use superglue as its cheap and supposedly quick to use.  The problem is it was design the stick skin together and you need to use the tiniest amounts.  Unfortunately is so free running that its easy to use too much and end up with a terrible white mess.  Cleaning Super Glue (superglue) White Residue Off isn't easy without destroying the object, so I started to look for alternatives when given a messed up Necklace: In fact there is a simple solution, so simple That I Don't Know Why I hadn't Seen It Before.

It works every time on heat resistant materials.

Why You Shouldn't Use Superglue For Jewellery Repair

Why You Shouldn't Use Superglue For Jewellery Repair: It's not as useful as people think.

Monday, 8 September 2014

UK Speed Camera New Design - Just Seen

This video is about UK Speed Camera New Design - Just Seen

It looks like a new speed camera, and not a design I've seen before especially as there were no visible white lines on the floor.  Drive safely and carefully and watch your speed!  If you don't then this baby looks like it will do it for you without you even seeing it or the flash.  Did you know in Germany they also use front facing cameras as they lead to quick, no fuss payment.  If you don't pay they send a picture of the driver and passenger to your home, and often late night travellers don't want their other half seeing who was in the passenger seat and where they were going ;-) A Cunning Plan If Ever I Heard One ;-)

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Friday, 11 July 2014

Would You Deliberately Blind A Child Or Kill A Small Puppy? No? You Coul...

Would You Deliberately Blind A Child Or Kill A Small Puppy? No? Then don't do so out of ignorance.

I thought this was quite funny to start with then realised the hazard the ignorance of these dog owners could pose to small children and young pups.  I'd bet many of them have small children.

Please don't do this, dispose of waste carefully.


Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Must Watch Music Documentary - Muscle Shoals

Plan went to hell and I had to remove and the cool music and video clips when I got a content violation stuck on it. 

Shame it was a really good ad
Still watch it!!

Must Watch Music Documentary - Muscle Shoals

At 2am 29 Jun 2014, I happened to catch the end of a brilliant music documentary.  I watched it on BBC4 iPlayer, but its only on iPlayer for 4 more days.

Love music? you'll love this.

Two hours of my life I really don't want back.


Thursday, 19 June 2014

Month 2 Update - How I Prevent Hand Dermatitis or Dyshidrosis

I have been asked on Google+ if Acrylic gloves are okay, and these are the type of gloves I wear the most.  I like the One Size Fits All, Non Slip cotton and or acrylic gloves.

I tend to buy them in bulk from cheap stores when I find them, or from eBay or Amazon if I can't.  Here are some links.

Click Here To Search From Them On eBay

Or on Amazon

Month 2 - And the hands are still clear of Dyshidrosis and Hand Dermatitis just by

wearing driving gloves, I hope this helps you if so please come back and leave a message.

Thanks #fixed1tDIABETESmentor

Losing 6 pairs of reading glasses in full view

 We all know that putting something somewhere safe, often means losing it.

This is very funny.


Sunday, 15 June 2014

No More Tears - Distracting A Teething Infant With Aura On The iPad

Little teething Olli went from sad to happy in seconds and it lasted for hours thanks to AURA on iPad

A musician in the making?


Thursday, 29 May 2014

Bouncing Baby Gym Swing For Olli

The bouncing gym keeps Olli entertained and safe, what a great device, Olli certainly likes it.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Baby Oli Versus 'Camo' A Pet RoboRaptor

I was videoing the Cat's reaction to Camo a recently repaired RoboRaptor, and went to have a sip of my coffee, I heard giggling and turned round to see Olli grabbing Camo who had carried on walking into the living room, Olli was unfazed and smiling.  Here is some of the encounter.

Olli is set to have many robot friends, as well as real ones, TOBOR is currently bigger than he is.

Uncle fixed1t

Friday, 23 May 2014

How I Prevent Painful And Unsightly Summer Hand Dermatitis or Dyshidrosis

As spring approaches, now is a good time to start looking for and wearing the cotton or acrylic gloves before the irritants start affecting my hands.  Had a warm and sunny trip back from Cornwall, and I'm glad I had some of the non slip acrylic gloves with me, so no itchy swelling hands, thankfully.

In my case this simple prevention is as good as a cure, as long as I remember to have the gloves in the car and my pockets.

I have been asked on Google+ if Acrylic gloves are okay, and these are the type of gloves I wear the most.  I like the One Size Fits All, Non Slip cotton and or acrylic gloves.

I tend to buy them in bulk from cheap stores when I find them, or from eBay or Amazon if I can't.  Here are some links.

Click Here To Search From Them On eBay

Or on Amazon

I hope this helps you as much as it helps me.

Regards fixed1t

How To Easily Empty The Dyson DC39

Bring back metal coat hangers so useful for all sorts of jobs.


This guy walking Forward and Backward

The real Merlin, living his life in reverse.  

Thursday, 22 May 2014

HERE COMES TOBOR. 1956 Children's Sci-Fi TV Program w/ Tobor The Robot.

This looks great, I remembered watching TOBOR the Great but couldn't remember as an adult what it was called, then one day it pop in my mind and I got a copy off eBay, I had no idea there were others.  And it has, facial recognition, electronic damping, stars wars shoot things out of the sky.  The only thing we don't have is ESP control, loops with EEG control.  Science Fiction They Said.. Compared to Nostradamus and his cryptic quatrains they seem to have got it pretty well matched.  LOL

Friday, 11 April 2014

Domestos Grot Buster Is No Longer Available For Shower and Bath Mould Killing


 Grot Buster is no more across the planet as Domestos have pulled it as it wasn't popular.

 The 23,000+ people who have seen my video would now beg to differ lol. Anyhow, I decided that it was the thick sticky consistency of the bleach the was the key.

 So earlier this week I decided to turn 100ml of a standard bleach into thick sticky bleach. I thought of using other cleaning agents but if you mix bleach with common household things it can be toxic, I decided then that cornflour was to be my thickening agent of choice i.e. pretty inert and safe so I've been experimenting with it.

 After a number of failures a one near disaster disasters, I succeeded. I've made a video on how I tested the sticky liquid which worked well.

 The video is here on this site here is the link:

Testing My Thickened Bleach Ability To Remove Shower and Bath Mildew Black Mould

 As usual it has a fixed1t very long descriptive name.

 I'm going to try and get the video of how I made it together over the weekend and I'll let folks know when its done.

 I hope you find the video interesting.

 This is a great was to clean the shower and bath and it lasts so long I had to leave some areas untreated so I could grow a few black dots to test.

 Kind Regards

 Malcolm (aka fixed1t)

Testing My Thickened Bleach Ability To Remove Mildew Black Mould

The make your own mould removing thick bleach outcome test.

I've almost run out of shower area to test this on, the other Grot Buster applications left me my shower, bath and other areas with no mould other than the small area I kept and grew for testing, LOL how crazy is that.  I might have to go knocking on neighbours doors begging them to let me clean their shower tray, can you imagine their faces as they say NO thinking I'm some kind of .... LOL


Thursday, 10 April 2014

Ginger Cat Finds RoboRaptor House Guest Blocking His Way

One of the great things about repairing toys is that you get to pick them up broken for pennies, and then to TEST them when they are fixed.  I picked up this RoboRaptor for £5 UK and once it was fixed I took it round to a friends for the kids to interact with.  All kids loved it, the Cat on the other hand might take a little longer..

If you fancy your own New RoboRaptor with remote control, it makes a clean but a little noisy pet, then they are available at Amazon:

Or if you don't mind a pre-loved then try eBay:

I hope you like it, if so give it the thumbs up.


Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Fixing Sky Talk No Telephone Signal - But Fibre Broadband Working Fine

About a month ago,

Following a very dramatic and close electrical storms, I was left with a working sky broadband fibre but no telephone.

I called sky, regularly, and each time had to go through the idiots guide to checking the phone line.  They also kept asking if it was now working, why? they hadn't dome anything!

Dear Reader:

Make sure if you do that you get them to call you back as soon as they have verified your details, otherwise the long delays and waits allegedly for checking things will cost you dearly on your mobile.

MOBILE ? yes because the phone was dead, they commented many times that I was calling them from a mobile.

 They asked:

1) Does the line work? (Of course it doesn't thats why I'm calling etc)

2) Have you tried plugging in another phone. (Yes lots of them but as phones hardly ever fail its a bit of a non starter)

3) Try the other sockets (why is there a random socket killing elf?)

4) Plug it into the box that comes into the property.

5) Frequent 5 - 15 min waits whilst things are checked, allegedly.

I may be a cynic but its almost as if they are keeping you on the line for some reason!!

Eventually they agreed a BT Open-reach person would come round. They did the following week, asked when it happened, I mentioned the storm he said "blown panel fuse".  He removed the Original Panel:

He then replaced the panel with a new MK2 Version shown below:

The problem was fixed in minutes, with the fitting of this MK2 panel.

I then went online and discovered I could have bought the MK2 version of the panel myself, here:

I then purchased another as a spare and installed it myself in minutes, it worked.

So the bottom line is I could have purchased a MK2 panel myself over a month before, installed it once the panel had arrived, and saved myself weeks of time and mobile costs.

I can't guarantee this will work for you, but he said it is a very very common problem especially if the fibre broadband is still working. Also, if it doesn't fix the problem you have a spare for when an electrical storm does kill your panel.

Here is a video I did explaining the issue:

If this helps please Share it and gives it a thumbs up, and leave a comment.

Thanks fixed1t