In this blog you will find my fixes and repairs to some existing old and some new technology. I've tried to make them as simple as possible so anybody can do them. Thanks for looking. Regards Malcolm (aka fixed1t)
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Sunday, 21 February 2021
How To Fix SKY Email unable to verify account name or password On A PC
Monday, 15 February 2021
Zen And The Art of Ironing Part 2: Ironing Polyester Cotton Shirt
Looking good makes you feel good its what everybody knows but many miss the chance by not ironing their clothes to impress themselves or others. Some clothes look great casual straight out of the wash, but others don't. If you leave the ironing of your clothes to somebody else, then you are going away the opportunity to be one with your style you are saying I'm as smart as as somebody else makes me and I need others to do the jobs for me. Iron your own clothes and wear them with pride. Its also a naturally mindful process, you need to be relaxed to do the best job, and remove the other matters from your mind and concentrate on you and the hot iron.
There has never been a better time to learn to iron and have pride in your self made appearance.