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Monday, 30 December 2024

How To Fix A Chromebook Battery Not Charging

In this  @fixed1t  video How To Fix A Chromebook Battery Not Charging I decided I wouldn't be spending another huge amount of cash on this old HP Chromebook having bought a new battery for it some time ago with little use and it having died again. Realistically it died because I disconnected the wrong plug so it discharged. The problem is the protective circuits in the machines are supposed to shutdown the machine and shut off the battery before it gets so low that it deliberately dies ie. it will no longer take a charge so it technically dead. But I often wonder where the level is set especially when they can charge so much for spares and replacements. I see lots of comments about people complaining the batteries don't last very long, and it looks like they may do if you keep them charged enough so they don't commit digital battery shutdown. The HP Power adapter for the voltage and current limited power supply unit can be purchased on ebay using this link: If you use it I will receive literally a few cents in commission for my efforts, thanks in advance. I hope you like the video if you find it useful. If this video helps you can buy @fixed1t a coffee If you're a gamer in fortnight keep an eye out for me or pop along for a laugh at how awful I am or a chat or come and help me, I'm #bushcampcodger and I am going to try and livestream more this year. Thanks Malcolm aka @fixed1t

Sunday, 29 December 2024

Polyend Tracker Mini Cordless Bluetooth Headphones Hack

This  @fixed1t  video is a #polyendtracker Polyend Tracker Mini Cordless Bluetooth Headphones Hack, which I am doing to add Bluetooth Audio Out? to the device to improve the usability on the move. This is a great portable machine but having all the 3.5mm Stereo sockets on the bottom which are soldered to the motherboard makes it really easy to break them off and wreck the machine if they are sticking out like normal stereo headphone jacks. This hack does not involve the #teardown of the #polyendtrackermini but instead uses the device I recently unboxed. The 3.5mm right-angled mini stereo I opened can be bought through my amazon link, if you use it I will receive literally a few cents in commission for my efforts, thanks in advance. The Bluetooth dongle I opened can be bought through my amazon link, if you use it I will receive literally a few cents in commission for my efforts, thanks in advance. I hope you like the video if you find it useful. If this video helps you can buy @fixed1t a coffee If you're a gamer in fortnight keep an eye out for me or pop along for a laugh at how awful I am or a chat or come and help me, I'm #bushcampcodger and I am going to try and livestream more this year. Thanks Malcolm aka  @fixed1t 

Polyend Tracker Mini Tear Down Can I Add Bluetooth Audio Out?

This  @fixed1t  video is a #polyendtracker Polyend Tracker Mini Tear Down or teardown, which I am doing to see if I can add Bluetooth Audio Out? to the device to improve the usability on the move. This is a great portable machine but having all the 3.5mm Stereo sockets on the bottom which are soldered to the motherboard makes it really easy to break them off and wreck the machine if they are sticking out like normal stereo headphone jacks. I also looked online and nobody has torn down this tracker down and I am fascinated to see what's inside. The Bluetooth dongle I opened can be bought through my amazon link, if you use it I will receive literally a few cents in commission for my efforts, thanks in advance. I hope you like the video if you find it useful. If this video helps you can buy @fixed1t a coffee If you're a gamer in fortnight keep an eye out for me or pop along for a laugh at how awful I am or a chat or come and help me, I'm #bushcampcodger and I am going to try and livestream more this year. Thanks Malcolm aka  @fixed1t 

Unboxing mini stereo rightangled adapters to reduce expensive damaged

This  @fixed1t  video is Unboxing mini stereo rightangled adapters to reduce expensive damaged to #polyendtracker mini portable music tracker. This is a great portable machine but having all the 3.5mm Stereo sockets on the bottom which are soldered to the motherboard makes it really easy to break them off and wreck the machine if they are sticking out like normal stereo headphone jacks. These connectors reduce the protrusion and also remove several degrees of freedom as far as stress damaged, so a very good cheap option. Here is my link to purchase the item, if you use it I will receive literally a few cents in commission for my efforts, thanks in advance. I hope you like the video if you find it useful. If this video helps you can buy @fixed1t a coffee If you're a gamer in fortnight keep an eye out for me or pop along for a laugh at how awful I am or a chat or come and help me, I'm #bushcampcodger and I am going to try and livestream more this year. Thanks Malcolm aka  @fixed1t 

Saturday, 28 December 2024

Unboxing An Amazing Mini Bluetooth Audio Receiver And Transmitter

Happy Christmas and New Year to all my followers and supporters let's hope the New Year brings you peace and prosperity for you, yours and those suffering around the world. But the video's need making LOL.

In this  @fixed1t  Unboxing An Amazing Mini Bluetooth Audio Receiver And Transmitter I unbox a new mini bluetooth transmitter and receiver for converting a non Bluetooth audio device into a bluetooth audio transmitter and receiver. This will help me listen to my gadgets using bluetooth headphones and transmit gadget audio into the computer with awful cable hum and crackle.

Here is my link to purchase the item, if you use it I will receive literally a few cents in commission for my efforts, thanks in advance.

I hope you like the video if you find it useful. If this video helps you can buy @fixed1t a coffee

If you're a gamer in fortnight keep an eye out for me or pop along for a laugh at how awful I am or a chat or come and help me, I'm #bushcampcodger and I am going to try and livestream more this year.

Thanks Malcolm aka  @fixed1t 

Friday, 1 March 2024

FIXED1T is live - Unpacking Multi-connector Multimeter Probe Set

This video is about: Unpacking Multi-connector Multimeter Probe Set I purchased this lead set from ebay over 4 weeks ago and its only just arrived, it was a good price so was worth the wait. So lets unpack the multi-connector multimeter probe set and see what’s in the packet and how well it works looking at the bag in the packet there appears far more probes then I thought. Malcolm aka  @fixed1t  and Fortnite #bushcampcodger

Wednesday, 21 February 2024

Yamaha DGX 620 Electric Grand Piano Teardown For Repair

This  @fixed1t  video has come about as the screen on my Yamaha DGX 620 Electric Grand Piano has developed a serious fault where half if not all the screen is blank or faded and lined. In order to get in to fix it I first needed to Teardown The Keyboard For Repair, as I do with all my repairs I video'ed the teardown so that I would know how to put it back together ;-) and which screws went where, rather than have one of those embarrassing situations where it doesn't work and I have a pile of screws left and other important bits. With all the noise our Lurcher Skippy came in to see if anything contained biscuits or treats and decided to lay down behind me. If this video helps you can buy @fixed1t a coffee Thx. In part 2 I will be repairing the display and investigating why the keyboard makes such horrible 'Clunk' sounds when you release a key. Please don't forget to subscribe. Regards Malcolm aka @fixed1t

Friday, 16 February 2024

bushcampcodger Live PS4 8: What the heck happened in this insane match?

Hi all, I recently started trying to play Fortnite again on the PS4, for those who have been around the block a few times with me  @fixed1t  will know I did some Fortnite Sniper Tutorials many years back, then as the Arthritis in my hands got worse, leaving me with painful hands that only close to the point that they resemble Lego Film toy characters hands, I stopped. But Ollie mentioned that the bush camping style I'd used is now really popular I thought I'd start again from scratch, new account etc and to do it Live Streaming! yep I know utter madness. I can no longer build anything even slowly so its totally down to avoidance, stealth, cunning, natural camouflage and military techniques I learned over 45 years ago. Despite this I'm regularly in the top 10, frequently in the top 3, occasionally in the top 2 and rarely I win the Battle Royale. Now you may wonder how I can possibly get such high scores in survival when I can't do the most fundamental task needed for Fortnite ie Building Very Very Fast. Well I started last week and I got to Gold 3 and wanted to try a competition only to be told that as I was under 13 I needed parental guidance, a bit hard when your in your late 60's with both parents dead, so the account must have been hacked whilst I was away. Thus the restart. If you think your too old and don't play Fortnite or computer games as its 'for the kids' then please do yourself a favour and watch this video, if it doesn't make you laugh as I panic my way through the game, I'll be surprised, playing it hilarious and for this video i've even put numbered bookmarks in the video description so you can quickly and instantly skip to the funny bits start and end and the Finale was quite frankly insane, as I couldn't for the life of me figure out what the hell was going on.
I've change my epic to bushcampcodger #bushcampcodger and you can watch others in the series, or right from the start at video 1 : seriously if your feeling down watching tis an old idiot desperately trying to dig himself out of ambushes and insane situations from fast re-acting youngsters and laughing at the outcomes will improve your mood. Like life, it's not to be repeated or take too seriously. I hope you like it and pop along if I message to say when I'm live. Please feel free to share with others message me to join a match if I'm available.
Malcolm aka  @fixed1t  aka #bushcampcodger aka #fixed1t_fixer

Saturday, 13 January 2024

How To Loosen Maxi Cosi Car Child Seat Straps

Since making my  @fixed1t  video on the Maxi Cosi Childs Car Seat I've had a number of questions from people for a more detailed look at adjusting the straps as the child gets bigger or to use with a smaller child. If you just want to adjust the tightness of the straps this is the video. As always it's relatively simple once you know how and have a spare old toothbrush available in the car (you need it if you don't want to scratch, break or otherwise destroy your nails). Here's how I did it. If this video helps you can buy @fixed1t a coffee Thanks Malcolm aka  @fixed1t