Many of the rechargable landline phones available no longer appear to
have a battery compartment, which I imagine isn't an accident. If there
isn't a battery compartment then when the batteries fail, users who
aren't tech savvy are forced to throw away the phone and buy a new one.
When my phone went dead (one of four) my wife suggested we get rid of
them and buy new ones. So I broke into the phone found the battery
compartment and replaced the rechargable batteries. So this how I
@FIXED1T went about Fixing Dead BT Landline Phone.
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Malcolm aka @FIXED1T
In this blog you will find my fixes and repairs to some existing old and some new technology. I've tried to make them as simple as possible so anybody can do them. Thanks for looking. Regards Malcolm (aka fixed1t)
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Friday, 14 October 2022
Fixing Dead BT Landline Phone @FIXED1T
Thursday, 13 October 2022
Denture Repair Removing My Painful Pallet Chip
If you like me ate or sucked far too many sweets as a child the you may be wearing partial dentures. Hopefully they fit but occassionally they can become painful even though they appear to fit well. Getting your denture repaired can be very expensive and quite often cracks and breaks begin as very small, but often painful chips or tiny cracks in the denture itself. Although these chips and cracks are often virtually invisible your gums and pallet get stuck in then or rubbed by them causing very painful ulcers. I discovered a painful spot in the roof of my mouth and no amount of cleaning and rinsing removed the pain. But I noticed the tiny ulcer was always in the same place. Here is how I fixed1t without having to send my denture away and pay an arm and a leg to fix it. Please be careful if you try this, I accept no responsibility for any damage or breakage that you may cause, this is just an illustration for educational purposes of how I fixed1t. Please don't forget to share and subscribe and check out my other videos. All of the videos work, there is no intentional clickbait, as all the video were created by me to fix an issue I had. All tried, tested and retested. Enjoy! Malcolm aka @FIXED1T