This is the second part of my Koss Phase 2+2 Quadraphonic Headphones fix.
Youtube Video
In this fix I figured out how the get the true shape of the original ear pads using diagrams from the Koss original Patent Application. I then decided to make a plastic template of the pad shape to work with and select an old white plastic CD box.
I glued the paper to the plastic panel I'd cut out then cut out the shape with a fret saw.
I then checked the shape against the Koss Phase 2+2 right headphone.
Once I knew it fitted I cut the bottom off and old military sock and began folding
The result was something that resembled the original pad and worked thanks the the rigid plastic maintaining the large exit hole.
And here is the partner sock still untouched.
And this is the left side view of the headphones.
More work to be done, but the patent picture provided the only true picture of the shape of the phones.
Cheers fixed1t