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Thursday, 19 June 2014

Month 2 Update - How I Prevent Hand Dermatitis or Dyshidrosis

I have been asked on Google+ if Acrylic gloves are okay, and these are the type of gloves I wear the most.  I like the One Size Fits All, Non Slip cotton and or acrylic gloves.

I tend to buy them in bulk from cheap stores when I find them, or from eBay or Amazon if I can't.  Here are some links.

Click Here To Search From Them On eBay

Or on Amazon

Month 2 - And the hands are still clear of Dyshidrosis and Hand Dermatitis just by

wearing driving gloves, I hope this helps you if so please come back and leave a message.

Thanks #fixed1tDIABETESmentor

Losing 6 pairs of reading glasses in full view

 We all know that putting something somewhere safe, often means losing it.

This is very funny.


Sunday, 15 June 2014

No More Tears - Distracting A Teething Infant With Aura On The iPad

Little teething Olli went from sad to happy in seconds and it lasted for hours thanks to AURA on iPad

A musician in the making?
